- Top Tens
Graham''s Top Ten Albums this year are ........
- Top Tens
We have voted amongst ourselves for the 12 albums. The results of our top 6 are........
- Top Tens
Already there have been many wonderful albums released in 2021. Here are some of our favorites so far......
- Top Tens
All the votes are in and our number one album for 2020 is;
1. Laura Marling - Song For Our Daughter
- Top Tens
1. Bob Dylan - Rough and Rowdy Ways
This year, for many reasons - no doubt including the longing for reassurance and the comfort of safe favourites - I have found or made less time to listen to new music. Older and especially instrumental music of all kinds has totally dominated my listening. But there has been some good new music.
- Top Tens
1. Working Men’s Club - Working Men’s Club
The first time I heard this debut album in autumn of this year I was totaly bowled over. A pulsating and hypnotic sound that makes you want to turn the dials up to full volume up and dance!
- Top Tens
1. Nirvana: Unplugged in NY
So my top 10 is less a reflection of new albums this year but i) what I’ve listened to the most during this strangest year ever plus ii) me moving across to vinyl and discovering new acoustics I had forgotten about and /or have never heard before. The number one is purely for both these reasons - his voice and the rawness of the album, you can hear every note, good or bad, plus I listened to it a lot during all 3 lockdown(s). It’s been my go-to album this year
- Top Tens
1. Laura Marling – Song for our Daughter
I have always enjoyed Laura’s work, but this album has stuck with me throughout the year, I have found myself always going back to it through the highs and lows of 2020.
- Top Tens
1. Jason Isbell & The 400 Unit- Reunions
In a year when the lack of anything much else to do saw me listening to more, and more varied music than I have in decades, it was still to the records with something to say lyrically I found myself returning to: Cornershop’s brilliant rampage over Brexit Britain, Drive-By Truckers’ American ‘State of the Nation’, Ben Watt’s bleary eyed takes on middle age; but most of all, I found myself listening to Reunions by Jason Isbell.