Today, after a fairly good sleep, we are on the move. Our first two nights in Austin we were staying a little out of the city centre. Today we were moving into our usual hotel, a lot closer to the showcases. We move our gear into our new room and then off to ACL Radio shows at the Hotel Van Zandt. ACL Radio (to benefit make a wish foundation) have artists perform for a large group of fans in an auditorium and they broadcast the performances and discussions on their station
We get there and pay our donations and get to watch a very powerful and positive concert and interview with Brittany Davis. Brittany is blind blues/soul artist who plays keyboard with a lot to say and a beautiful voice. She's very very talented and though the set is short, between the performance and the interview, well worth the trip over.
From there we head to Valhalla bar to check in on Otto Aday. Having been picked up for Dave Stewart's label, this youngster is fascinating to watch perform. He blends alot into his songs, different eras all mixed together, his voice is great and the songs are solid.
Plenty going on today but it's off for a quick visit with some new friends at the Side bar. We have a quick catch up watching Light Beams (kinda of a funk/punk blend), Cast of Thousands (indie/psych/folk) and Vera Ellen (brilliant New Zealand/LA indie rock artist).
Then we are off to Lazarus Brewing and the Music For Listeners radio party. Though not originally on the plan, these things do change and I want to try to get over there and see Neon Waltz. It's a bit of a hike but we make it in time to watch this Scottish indie band and they sound great. It's very melodic and sweet, the band is great and fits well on this outdoor patio at a Craft Beer bar.
Next up is Fieh. Described as Norwegian Neo Soul..this group is full of life and bouncy. Fun to watch and listen to
More walking now to get to the Paste Magazine party to see if Sprints band appears (one of the many Irish bands boycotting due to Army sponsorship). As it turns out, they considered this Paste Party an official event so they are not playing.
Got there In time to watch the set by Shalom. This US based South African singer is fantastic. Like an up beat Lucy Davis, it's a great little set of songs
We stay long enough to check out the band Rocket. This LA based rock band pack a punch. Kinda reminds me of Dinosaur Jr lead by lead singer Althea Tuttle. It's a nice little treat on the outdoor stage but again, more walking and back to Lazarus Brewing as we have a chance for Sandra to see The Lottery Winners.
We wander back to Lazarus and catch Coach Party again. Pretty much the same set as I had seen already but it still sounds great
The Lottery Winners are floating around so I end up chatting with Thom for quite awhile. Pretty down to earth guy, we talk about their upcoming tour..possibly coming to Canada, our mutual love of Robbie Williams. By now, band mates Joe and Katie have joined us. Great little conversation and then they hop up on stage and off they go.
Another set of fantastic songs, this crowd absolutely loves them. They eat up Thoms humour, the sing a longs are full and fun and most importantly, Sandra moved even closer to the stage to watch because she loved them!
As it turns out, Sprints finally make an appearance! This is not an official showcase so this place is packed to see them perform. Quite fond of the Sprints album, this Irish garage punk band do not disappoint. Their set is much like their album, different tempo's and varrying degrees of intensity, kinda never know what is next with this band which is refreshing.
It is now late afternoon, kind of exhausted from craft beer and walking around, we head back to the hotel for a bit of a rest and then it's back to British Music Embassy.
First up is Bleach Lab. This British "Dream Pop" band are very lovely. It's an easy listen out on this stage and as the more people arrive, it's a great start.
Quick turnover to the second stage and up next is Humour. These Scottish post punk youngsters are quite good. A bit frantic and a bit messy, earplugs needed..they are a powerful little band
Next up on the big stage are a band I've been very much looking forward too. Dry Cleaning are up next. Another band described as Post Punk, I tend to struggle trying to describe them. Florence Shaw sings/weaves her way through the songs while the band playing intensifies behind her. It's rough and sweet at the same time, very enjoyable, and Florence takes some time out of their set to speak about SXSW's Army sponsorship. The band is clearly not happy with it and that fits with their songs.
Now for a complete change of pace, we have Vital Powers on the small stage. Hip hop artist from Wolverhampton doing some dancehall and trying to get the crowd going, I commend him for his effort. It's fun
Big stage is up with The Manatees. Another English Alt/Indie band using hop hop samples and some funky bass lines, it's pretty clever and solid set by these youngsters.
Getting pretty tired at this point so it's to the small stage to catch a few songs from Neone The Wanderer. This Jazz/Hip hop blend artist is fun to watch but I know Friday schedule is a full one so I decide to tap out at midnight and get some rest.